STFax Support

New Features of 3.0 - 3.6



  • Added ScanQuix support.
  • Better handling of corrupted fax files.
  • Fixed crash after polling.
  • Fixed problem with Solo modems setting S0=3 after AT+VIP.
  • Auto Answer works again even with Shared on. *Pay attention* to what you do when they are bot set!
  • Fixed bug: the ring counter didn't reset if the answer procedure was aborted after the first ring.
  • Fixed bug: hanging up too early when manually answering an incoming call could lead to a crash.
  • Fixed Enforcer Hits during image->fax conversion.
  • Reduced baud rate when downloading faxes from the Message Plus/Pro modem.
  • Added experimental support for ADPCM-2 sample format for USRobotics modems (should give better results): you can enable it using the USEADPCM2 tooltype/CLI argument. Please note that you can't convert samples to voice messages or viceversa when you use this setting.



  • The fax viewer uses FastMem to store the fax bitmap.
  • Added "IGNORESPKPHONEERR" argument as a workaround for a bug in some SupraExpress 336 V+ modems.
  • Added a workaround for ELSA Microlink ISDN/TL v.34 TA's, which have problems with the +FAA command.
  • Added Caller ID info parsing for the ELSA Microlink format.
  • Added CID name parsing.
  • Added "Receive Fax" button to the speakerphone windows.
  • When setting the init string, other settings will be changed according to the chosen modem type.
  • STFax searches for the caller name in the CManager database too.
  • Added recognition of Kortex Adaptix modems.
  • Increased the maximum length for the "Send to" gadget in the Send Fax window, thus making possible to send a fax to more recipients.
  • When sending a fax to multiple recipients a cover will be created if the phonebook entry is set so or if the Make Cover gadget in the Send Fax window
  • is ticked.
  • Fixed bug when closing the Message Plus messages window.
  • Fixed a timing problem in the Class 1 engine: now you should be able to send/receive faxes without having to set Log to Debug.
  • Fixed: wrong size for saved WAVs.
  • Fixed: the printer driver created broken documents if printing more than 2-4 pages.



  • The viewer keeps the current scale when changing page.
  • Added "Call Monitor" option to Prefs/Modem.
  • Added "CALLMONITOR" ARexx command.
  • Printer driver: now it recognizes printer.device v42.50 correctly.
  • Printer driver: if STFax isn't running, it'll be started.
  • Added DATA ONLY mode.
  • Added "GETCALLERID" ARexx command.
  • Added "GETCALLERNAME" ARexx command.
  • USR Message Pro is recognized.
  • More accurate fax reception speed report.
  • Fixed: the Test function in the voice script panel didn't use the current value of the PlayTo cycle gadget in the Messages page.
  • Fixed Remote Access problems.
  • Fixed problem with the MENU command.
  • Fixed bug: the viewer could crash if there wasn't enough memory when going to another page.



  • Fixed: the Independent mode menu didn't open the right requester on USR Modems.
  • Fixed: the volume slider in the speakerphone window now works on Pace and USR modems too.
  • Fixed: Prefix string setting wasn't saved.


  • Added support for Pace Solo modems.
  • Added support for USR Message Plus modems.
  • STFax aborts the message recording operation automatically when you pick the telephone handset up (if your modem supports this feature).
  • Added "View Fax" button to the Send Fax window.
  • Added "Phonebook" button to the Send Fax window.
  • Added Print section among the Preferences.
  • Added Prt Driver On/Off hooks.
  • Added support for Contact Manager.
  • Added "Hang up" flag to the RECORD MSG command.
  • Added caller's name in the Status window.
  • Added "Play new messages" function.
  • Added setting to control STFax's behaviour upon the reception of a RTN frame.
  • Fixed: the setting "Max message duration" is now saved.
  • Fixed (really :) Play File in the Call Operato command was not saved.
  • Improved the behaviour of the RECORD MSG command when forcing the message to go into a specified voice box.
  • Changed the separator character from ',' to ';' in the Send Fax window as ',' is used by the modem.
  • Fixed: Add to phonebook for voice messages put the number in the fax field.
  • Fixed some problems with the speakerphone window.
  • Fixed a problem with the phonebook.
  • Fixed some gadget hotkey conflicts.



  • Highly improved sound quality with USRobotics modems.
  • Added AHI support to play messages.
  • Added the option to configure the time-out for menu commands (MENU, CHOOSE BOX and RECORD MSG)
  • Added option to force the use of a specific voice box in the RECORD MSG command.
  • Added option to play a personalized user greeting based on Caller ID.
  • Added option to execute an ARexx script in the CALL OPERATOR script command.
  • Added AREXX SCRIPT script command.
  • Added "DIAL" ARexx command.
  • Added "GETLASTMESSAGE" ARexx command.
  • Added Voice/Ring/HangUp Hooks.
  • Added "LOADONCE" ToolType & Shell arg: it won't let you to load STFax twice.
  • Added the option to use an external program to play samples.
  • Added: the toolbar gadgets react to drag'n'drop.
  • Added: silence detection and compression can be turned off.
  • Added "EDIT" argument to the "SEND" ARexx command.
  • Added "Intercept" button to the Status Window to let you abort STFax and pick up the call from your telephone.
  • Added View Log window.
  • Added Call Screening.
  • Added option to log the requests to the Fax on demand system.
  • Added multiselection to the main window listview.
  • Fax class 1.0 is used when available instead of class 1.
  • Fixed bug: after testing a voice script with the Test Window the modem could be desynced.
  • The viewer doesn't use border gadgets with a MUI version <= 3.8 in order to avoid a bug of its.
  • When converting a sample to voice the '*' in front of default messages wasn't removed.
  • Fixed possible problems when using DTR Hangup.
  • Fixed bug: when receiving a fax the resolution wasn't taken into account in class 2/2.0 mode. Thus, normal resolution faxes were printed at half their height.
  • The Device gadget in the prefs window shows the ROM/AutoConfig devices too.
  • Fixed bug: the class 1 sender failed to send a fax if the remote station resolution differed from the transmitter's one.
  • Fixed a small error in the Italian catalog.
  • Fixed bug: in Class 1 mode STFax didn't send the DCN frame after the last page, causing the remote machine to report a Phase D error.
  • Fixed a problem with ZyXEL 2864 modems.
  • Added the "Script commands reference" to the guide.
  • Fixed "AUTOANSWER ON" not working properly.
  • Small fixes and changes.



  • When recording a voice sample locally STFax ignored the "Max voice message duration" prefs and always used a timeout of 5 minutes.
  • The viewer displays the fax with black & white colors also with OS 2.04.
  • Increased stack size to 30 Kb since MUI needed more stack on some configurations.
  • Increased the fax decoding speed when viewing a fax.
  • STFax didn't close the serial port when the DSR signal was not found.
  • ReqTools.library is no longer used.
  • It could be possible that STFax didn't show the new messages in the listviews under some circumstances.
  • Added company name and phone number in the header line put in top of every fax page sent.
  • Now the font requester in Prefs/Fax allows you to choose a font greater than 24 points (max height is now set to 300).
  • Added "File" source in the messages panel to convert a sample into a voice file for the modem. Datatype are used when available, otherwise only 8SVX iff files can be imported.
  • Fixed bug: printer prefs were screwed up if the "Printer driver" menu was set at startup. This caused the "Cannot open printer.device" problem.

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